Blind Maze(2009)

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分类:剧情  意大利  2009 


导演:Heather Parisi



电影迷为您提供2009年由未知 主演,Heather Parisi 导演的《Blind Maze》/原名《》电影在线观看,《Blind Maze》百度云网盘资源以及《Blind Maze》高清mp4迅雷下载,《Blind Maze》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!


Plot Summary:\"Everyone's loneliness is a maze and each relationship is a thread....that's why it takes two to get out of the maze.\" The lives of nine kids slides thinly from normality to confront a world of dreams, but also of sacrifice and dedication. Lucrezia's courage against her Mother's will, at such a young age, to hold on to the child when she discovers herself pregnant. Diamante in her isolation would prefer \"a slap in the face\" with fury, than the caresses that hide something else. Chicco discovering what the \"real\" world really is. Crisscrossing stories never easy and never obvious as the world we live in proves to be. When dreams seem like they are ending, when words aren't enough: music, dance and the discovery of Minosse comes to the rescue as fast as a heartbeat of life, provoking new ways possible to continue. No idealism here, no rhetoric \"Fame\" in this approach to cinema by Heather Parisi.


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